Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Improved Combat System and Targeting

I've tidied up the code for the combat system to make it more efficent and easier to understand by removing all involvement of the quick slots from the main game class and integrated them as methods in the actionBar class.

I also reworked the targeting system so that there is just one global target variable as part of the player class instead of each mob having their own targeted flag. this will save much confusion in the future, it also allowed me to draw the target graphics without actually having to attack the mob and instead just show by clicking on them or the player.

I've added two spells to test out using magic ingame, one is a light healing spell and the other is a fireball spell for attacking mobs at long range.

I've also added a new graphic for the custom cursor to show that the cursor is over a sprite and that a move from the actionBar is selected.

Escape now also clears any target or actionBar selection.

next step I have planned to do is implementing the ability for mobs to chase the player or run upto the player and attack if in agro range and also join in fights if the mob links and player is attacking another mob of the same type nearby.

check out the next video for a demonstration of current progress.

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