Monday, May 26, 2008

Back Into It

I've had a bit of a break and gone away for a week to visit family out of town. I'm back home now and ready to continue on with the development of Destined Rings.

Things are really shaping up in regards to the development progress although I'm still stuck on how to sort out the graphics that is beyond my ability to create and eventually I'll also be stuck on sound effects and music when I come to adding that into the game.

I did have someone that was going to help with that stuff but the artist fell through so for now I'm stuck still using the temporary sprites until I sort something out.

over the next few days I'll be working on adding functionality to the inventory/equipment screen. I'll be creating some items for the game like potions, armor and weapons. I'll also have to work more on my combat engine to include the effects of items in combat.

I'm also thinking about some sort of combat log as well. maybe floating text above the fight. I need to implement the effects of dex, agi and int in combat too which means displaying that the player has missed the target or made a critical hit.

Should be fun. I'll make a new post and video once its all done. Not sure how long it will take, its a busy month for studies and time to work on the project may be short.

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