Friday, May 30, 2008

Usuable Potions

I've made some progress with the inventory system. There are now two potions ingame, a healing potion and mana potion.

Both potions work as intended and there are several conditions the game now checks

firstly it keeps track of the quantity of that sort of potion onhand. Each time the player uses the potion it reduces the quantity by 1 until none are left which then it removes the stack from the player's inventory.

If there are no more of that type of potion left in the player's inventory the actionBar icon for the potion will go red until more of that type are put in the inventory.

the game also sets the cooldown timer for every potion stack of that kind so that the player can't cheat and use a potion from each stack until all stacks cooldown. It knows they are all the same type.

but each type of potion has its own cooldown so you can use say a health potion and a mana potion at the same time.

next step is to add some simple equipment into the game and utilize it along with the rest of the player stats in combat.

I'll upload a new video demonstration once all that is done.

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